We are all going through life changes, mentally, emotionally and physically, we are experiencing the biggest worldwide cultural change in our life time. We may feel confused, unsure and sometimes even scared. Our way of living and many of our comforts have been ripped away, we are feeling and literally are being physically confined with all sorts of restrictions.
The Angels tell… this is a gift to each of us as individuals… while the world is in turmoil, we are given a window in time to literally transform ourselves. This is an opportunity to take a deeper look at ourselves, to build faith and believe in ourselves, and get CLEAR with ourselves, our intentions, needs, hopes and dreams. But where to start?
NATURE… NATURE ALWAYS has the ANSWER… She is our teacher, our provider and the foundation on which we build our tomorrows.
Life is consistently continually changing… THAT’S LIFE… Let’s find an example in nature that goes through dramatic change…
The Caterpillar builds a cocoon where it remains while in transformation… seems like we have been forced into our own cocoons. Now working with ourselves to become the best we were born to be, we then will have the opportunity to emerge like the butterfly with our own colors and gifts to share with the world. We are each a very important thread in the FABRIC OF LIFE. Now is our time to leave behind what no longer serves us and transform into a better state of being.
Most often the best answer is the simplest . . . and the Little People are bringing us messages from a child’s perspective, acting authentically with love in their hearts, filled with DELIGHT . . . eager to understand, feeling free in a world filled with opportunities.
We are all Angels and the Little People are helping us “Earn our WINGs”. They pass along messages to Protect, Guild and Warn when necessary, they give Inspiration and Encouragement, they Enlighten and Comfort us with the purest form of Nature’s Wisdom with Respect, Kindness.
Transformation is the perfect image illustrating where we are now the transformation happening in our own cocoons and the world awaiting to see us find our wings, show our colors and FLY.
Karen Kirby and RonX111